We’re just about to put the finishing touches to this brand new website rebuild, and I’m honoured to be able to publish the very first blog post. At the time of writing, the Jaya-Dauris website has been online for almost eight years now, which is a long time in internet years.
Eight years is also a long time to be in business when we consider the average failure rate for new companies. The reason why Jaya Dauris, and in fact, all companies stand the test of time is down to building loyalty and a solid reputation among their customers. Also, collaborating with other like-minded companies can help us get through the rough patches that happen in all industries.
Out of the Box Innovations (OOTBI) was able to have the opportunity to rebuild this website through recommendation. ‘Word of mouth’ is perhaps the oldest form of marketing and the best way of living life!
After joining the marketing side of the oil and gas business in late 2014, I can say that it’s been quite a ride. 2014-2017 saw the worst industry crash since the 80’s. Start-ups struggle at the best of times, so while many say that they love a challenge, there can be times when the struggle is fierce.
As a content creator and copywriter, I’ve been able to write and edit O&G articles numbering into the hundreds. Many of these are highly technical. I’ve proofread and edited pages such as about rig surveys and the lab testing of cement.
I’ve researched and written posts and articles ranging from hydraulic fracturing to the difference between wet and dry gas. These past few years have been highly educational, like studying for a degree. It’s been fun, and the support from everyone that I’ve interacted with is much appreciated.
This blog post will inevitably get buried over time, with updates on all the exciting developments that the company has on the schedule for the next few years. It does look like the industry is about to upturn, and the fixing and improving our digital assets will help set a foundation.
This website was built using WordPress open source software, which is the most accessible and versatile content management system. We can create beautiful, world-class sites effortlessly. Thanks go out also to Studiopress whose Genesis themes power the majority of new websites that we build at OOTBI.
Thanks for taking the time to read this introductory post, I appreciate it. If you want to find out more about OOTBI, then you can click on the link at the bottom left of the page to take a look at our website.
Jason Lavis
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